Sunday, July 17, 2016

Katy Perry Surprises Fans With New Song ‘Rise’! Sorry Taylor!

CalvinHarris Taylor Swift Katy Perry Credit :

Things have been getting pretty messy for Taylor Swift! For some reason it seems everyone has squiggled Taylor on the top of their ‘Burn book’ and it is pretty clear the blonde talent might currently be hated by at least a dozen celebs. Aww poor Tay! Perhaps since her breakup with Calvin and Kanye’s ‘Famous’ video, Tay might have gotten some ‘bad blood’ with the K-squad and Calv but why are old rivals popping their head into the scene? Let’s just say Taylor-fever (the bad kind) is pretty contagious!

Things escalated pretty quickly when rumors surfaced that Taylor was behind Calvin’s hit success ‘This is what you came For’, Calvin went berserk and took it to his Twitter account to shut down any rumors of this sort and ended up very bluntly bashing the blonde singer while dragging Perry into the feud. His tweets consisted of “I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it,” continuing with “Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR Life because you’ve earned a great one,” followed by: “I figure if you’re happy in your new relationship you should focus on that instead of trying to tear your ex bf down for something to do.” YIKES!!

How did Katy react? She reposted a tweet she reportedly directed to ‘Bad blood’ in May 2015: “Time, the ultimate truth teller,”. Ironically she also released her new surprise track ‘Rise’… UH-OH! Could this song be a ‘Bad Blood’ clap back?!

 Taylor Swift,Calvin Harris/ Credit :C.Smith/
Katy P. fans were very much in shock when they saw that their favorite celebrity had surprised them all with a unexpected release of a song. The song’s powerful lyrics and very motivating ‘vibe’ is totally what anyone needs to get out of a bad day! Katy has never fallen short of a motivational song, I mean who has forgotten how amazing ‘Roar’ was!

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